Dane and I went to the Akron Zoo on the 24th. We haven’t been there since early this spring. I had said I wasn’t going back until the expansion was complete so today was the day. The expansion has been open for over a week and it was a unseasonably cool day, perfect! Maybe not. We arrived and the parking lot was full. The zoo employee at the gate gave us a map and explained that they were parking incoming cars an overflow lot and busing people back to the entrance. Not only was it a perfect day for the zoo for everyone, the Akron City Schools were holding an event for the children. I contemplated going home and going back next week but we pulled in to turn around and got lucky because someone was leaving so we got a prime parking space!
Here is a quick tip if you visit the Akron Zoo. The layout kind of dictates that you follow one path at the beginning. The expected path is to go through the Penguin area. When it is busy we often work our way backward through the park. If you walk to the right after entering the zoo the normal route to exit the zoo. You will be walking past the flamingos and on straight back to the food court/kimono dragon/aquarium building. The areas you by passed by going that direction can be seen on your way out when it should be less busy.
We went in and worked our way back to the Grizzly Ridge expansion area. It is located on the hill were the otters habitat had been.
The entrance to the new area has chainsaw carving of a grizzly bear, which I didn’t get a picture of since it was a very popular photo op. yesterday…..I will get one next time. But their sign has some carvings too….
At the beginning of the new expansion area is a habitat for their bald eagles…
The Grizzly Bear habitat has a wonderful observation area with the water feature for the bears right up to the glass allowing very up close viewing. Their habitat is large and it looks like they are enjoying it!
I am very pleased that the otters are back and how wonderful their new habitat is. I missed seeing them the last few times we visited.
The zoo has done an excellent job improving their habitat. Their water feature is quite large and they have incorporated a clear tube slide for children that goes through it. It was so busy I somehow didn’t get a picture of that. I can say that it was quite an attraction for children as the line for the slide was quite long. I will have to go back and get pictures of that!
This area has plenty of rocking chairs under the overhang for resting and getting out of the sun. There are also picnic tables in various places too.
They have a horned owl and also a porcupine in this area also. The porcupine is a character. He has a little compulsive ritual he does when he walks up to the glass that the kids get a kick out of.
There is a nice view of Akron from the Grizzly Ridge area. There is also a coyote exhibit that is very nice but we didn’t see any at the time. That is another reason for a return visit!
I really think that this expansion has improved the zoo incredibly. They did a fabulous job making it a wonderful place for the animals and also for the guests of the zoo.
We made our way around the remaining areas of the zoo to see the usuals….
We made sure to stop by and check out the new octopus.
One of the funnier things we saw were the penguins chasing a bug. The last time we were there a leaf floated down into their area and it became a game for them to see which one would get it. This time it was see which one would catch the bug. They seem to really enjoy it!
I definitely recommend visiting the Akron Zoo to see the new additions. It has always been a nice zoo and this just made it better.