Dane and I went to my parent’s last Tuesday and from there we went to the Erie Zoo. We have never been there before and didn’t know what to expect. I was really impressed. It is a small zoo but it is very nice. I enjoyed the variety of animals. They had these Sand Cats……
I haven’t seen sand cats at any other zoo. My pictures of them are a bit blurry because they do not stay still for more than a second!
They have Meerkats….
Then they had this cute baby monkey with these super long arms!…..
They have orangutans like most zoos but I was impressed with the one. She was chewing gum and she can even blow bubbles! How neat is that! I took a video but can’t upload it 🙁
They have a nice carousel ……. Dane and his grandma rode and I took pictures.
There is a small train that takes you to an area you can’t get to by walking where they had deer, big horn sheep…..
We had a very nice visit at the Erie zoo. I think we will go again sometime in the future.